Philarthropic and SaóPrat ↗ worked together with the artist Núria Toll to develop and carry out an urban art and mural painting workshop in Barcelona’s Centro Abierto Pirineus (located in El Prat de Llobregat), a youth center for at-risk groups. The workshop concluded with a space intervention where children between the ages of 8 and 12 years who attend the center were invited to participate.
By collectively creating a mural in the center’s dining room, group work, mutual respect and collaboration were fostered, using art as a tool of reflection and expression. A flock of birds to reflect their unity as a group, and a house to symbolize the center that welcomes them every afternoon. Not only was a common space made more attractive, but the feeling of belonging to a place where the children coexist and share on a daily basis was also reinforced.